First time to Kendo? What you need to know

Things I need to know

What should I wear?
You don't need to start out with any special clothes. Wear loose fitting sports clothes. T-shirt and joggers/leggings are ideal. We train barefoot, so footwear does not matter.
What should I bring?
For your first session you do not need to bring equipment. We will provide equipment for your first session. For your comfort, we advise you to bring a water bottle. A facemask for COVID protection is currently a BKA requirement.
What will it cost?
The initial 6 week course has a flat fee. After that, the club has a monthly subscription model. Please see the Classes section.
Do I need insurance?
Yes, you do need insurance. This is acquired by getting membership of the British Kendo Association. follow this Link for more.
What happens at a practice?
We practice the traditional Kata forms as well as the fencing techniques. You won't get hit by anyone until you have your own armour!
Do I need to know any special language?
Generally, we learn such things as we are practicing in lessons, but if you want, you can look at the Glossary in the Resources
Is this a martial art for self defense?
Not directly, but it will teach you about reading aopponents, distance, speed and timing.

Copyright © Ichi ByōShi 2016